
Irene Vincent
949 285 1189
Dear Friends, I have had way over 30 years of dream/life journaling and I have realized that I have
been using my journal in a unique way that has enhanced my life and would love to share my
right-hand margin and decoding techniques with you. I consider this one of my gifts to humanity and
I hope you do too.
Are you ready to tap into your subconscious and unlock your true potential? The Dream Life Journal
is your personal guide to self-discover, creativity, and inner wisdom---just 10 minutes a day of
reflective writing each day can lead to profound life changes.
Start your journey today! Grab your DREAM LIFE JOURNAL and embark on a magical exploration
that will enrich your life and enhance your creativity. The universe is waiting to reveal its
mysteries---are you ready to listen?
Once on my authors page, please scroll down to the Dream Life Journal of your choice.
Universal link for all countries Dream Life Journal So much love to you.

Start your journey today. The DreamLifeJournal is waiting to help you onto your path of clarity and fulfillment.
I'll be starting zoom DreamLifeJournal circles in January 2025. More information coming soon.
https//irenevincentart.etsy.com where I have custom-designed cups, tee shirts,
yoga mats, etc. with my painting images and uplifting words to make
inspirational gifts for you and your loved ones.
NEW LOW PRICES. View my latest paintings and buy my prints on Canvas, Posters, Tee- Shirts, Cups, Stickers, Puzzles, Pillows, Yoga Mats etc at https://irene-vincent.pixels.com
Also I am happy to be one of nine artists to be included in Lorraine Tolmie's book, CROSSING THRESHOLDS, Stories and art from beyond the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. She is graciously letting art appreciators
have a free pdf download of CROSSING THESHOLDS.
My Memoir, AWAKENING LOVE'S VIBRATIONS A visionary artist takes you on a
spiritual adventure seeking cosmic love through art, dreams, yogis, shamans, visions, and sacred travel.
youtube - Spiritual Author Irene Vincent Introduces "Awakening Love's Vibrations"
including over 93 images of art yogis & travel

Awakening Love's Vibrations, An Artist's Search Takes You on a Journey to Explore the Esoteric Arts, the Wisdom of her Spiritual Teachers, and Travel to Mayan and Other Ancient Sites. It includes 93 images of art, yogis, and travels and is available in a Black & White Print Edition, as well as in a Full Color Print Edition and in Color E-Book
or you can buy a hand signed edition by the artist-Black&White-$19.95 + $5.00 S&H. Full Color Edition $39.95 + $5.00 S&H. AZ people have to add 9.85% sales tax
Pay through PayPal at my email address ivincent108@gmail.com and I'll ship you the book.
It comes out at an appropriate time. Irene's story starts with her attempts to make a MIND SHIFT from
Political Art, that focuses on society's problems. She asks, "What are solutions for society and humanity?"
Then her questions changed to “What is love, a love beyond family, beyond tribe, and our
culture? What is a universal love beyond sentimentality?” She wonders if images of love will appear. This questioning opened doors
of perception and love showed up in unexpected ways.
Loving spiritual teachers appear, having intimate spiritual conversations with her. She shares
their insights and wisdom. She explores esoteric practices, has magical and healing dreams,
and is inspired to travel to Mayan ruins and other ancient sites.
You discover her process for exploring the depths of symbolism in her dreams and art, and
how it becomes a consciousness-raising tool, bringing mystical experiences.
From vicariously experiencing Irene’s different explorations, she hopes that you’ll be inspired
to keep seeking and igniting your heart vibrations of universal love, joy and bliss.
"Let's all be the wonderful people we are seeking to know and
uniquely change this world to be the world we love to live in."
Amazon Reviews
Ron Cohan
5.0 out of 5 stars An inspiring book filled with beautiful artwork
Wow! What an inspiring book. Rarely are people brave enough to actually take chances and pursue meaning in their lives no matter what. Yet that is what this author, Irene Vincent has done. In her search for a life filled with not only joy and kindness but also deep meaning, she follows pathways of symbolism and creativity, meeting many wise swamis and spiritual teachers along the way.She also travels to and explores many interesting and powerful ancient sites. Her adventures are fun to read about and the lessons she learns are inspiring. But the best part of this book is the amazing artwork that she creates along the way. Each piece is beautifully depicted along with insightful explanations of their symbolism and meaning.This is not only a fun and enjoyable book to read, it is also a book I will treasure for all the beautiful artwork and photographs. I can't wait for the next book in the trilogy to be released.
5.0 out of 5 stars Uplifting Journey
I loved this book! I read it very quickly, because I found it so interesting, so now I am reading it a second time. The previous reviewer really expressed all of my thoughts already. I was impressed by the way Irene's life unfolded, presenting her with excellent teachers, mentors and partners every step of the way. She is a very courageous spirit, able to discern her opportunities and then act upon them fearlessly.
I loved the descriptions of the places she visited, the homes she created, and the artwork's inner meaning and symbolism. It was especially interesting to learn how her projects evolved.
I think this is a very worthwhile read and a Keeper. It will stay on my bookshelf always.
Reviews are appreciated. |

Quotes from Readers
"Adventures abound in this young girl's life. At
age nine, a near death experience forever changes her concept of time and intrigues her with the mysteries of the human brain. She explores life
from the ghetto, from poverty, from relationships, from the entrepreneur business world, and from
the perspective of an artist. She travels experi-
encing many cultures, along with exploring the esoteric arts. Not understanding it at the time,
all of these paths were leading her to a spiritual understanding of life, transforming her soul."
Ron Cohan
I was glued to my Kindle till finishing this book.
Deceptively "easy reading", this wonderful true
tale is laden with powerful inspiration of many kinds. It captures your attention immediately as young Irene becomes aware of the Universe and
her possibilities.
Her journey is a priceless power of example and
beacon of hope, showing how much one can direct
one's own life, even with many obstacles. I am
really impressed by her focus and fearlessness,
her trust in God(dess), her ever-morphing expression. The book illustrates (literally) a
clear progression in business, love and art.
The descriptions of the paintings are very helpful
to anyone making their own art or appreciating
the art of others.This book will help others to
listen to theirown heart, follow their dreams,
explore the world, and find joy in the journey.
I wish the "sequel" were available right now. Her story is not over. Thank you Irene for sharing
your adventures with us.
Cynthia Re Robbins
"As I read, Revealing - The Evolution of an Artist's
Soul, I could see in Irene's words and paintings,
how a life can be transformed by not giving into
convention, and instead learning how to tap into
our own truer selves."
Ron Figueroa - Author of : To Save A Dying Planet
"It is an uplifting story, because it was like Irene
was holding a lantern, lighting up the trials and
tribulations of her life's experiences. It caused
me to once more reflect upon my life and it had a healing effect."
Angel B
"I read it in one sitting. Along with being
interesting, it had a historical value in that it
covered life issues experienced by the author
from the mid 1950's to the late 80's. I can see it
as a movie."
Tony Mata - screenwriter
After two near-death-experiences, Irene holds faith as light to life's challenges. She goes from poverty to success, passionately pursues her art, and embraces her soul
A 32-year memoir written as an adventure story with travel, art and dreams.
It includes 72 images.
YouTube - 49 Images early art and Introduction to her Memoir
Revealing - The Evolution of an Artist's Soul , Book One: A Spiritual Journey Trilogy
Buy at Barnes & Noble as Paperback: Revealing - The Evolution of an Artist's Soul
"Friends and people who have read my book, call me and tell me how memories of their own life's adventures and close intimate moments with the divine came flooding back to them. And that they are happily sharing their stories and my stories with their friends and families."
Irene Vincent
Follow my Blog: IrenesMysticalMoments Please share your feelings, ask questions, and give comments.
On YouTube Irene speaks about her different art periods and the power of art in its many forms. Irene talks about
visions, creativity, dreams, insights, contemplation, and symbolism.
Art Studio & Gallery Tour 2021
29 Spiritual, Visionary Paintings by Irene Vincent 2020
The Meaning & Vision behind the painting "Divine Ecstasy"
Galactic Geometric Series from the 1970's
Surreal Art Series from the 1970's
Political Art by Irene Vincent -Series 1
Missile Totem Sculpture-Irene Vincent Series 2
Transformational Sculptures - Shamanism
Healing Grief Through Dream Work and Art
Spiritual Art: Seeking Oneness by Irene Vincent
To view and purchase Irene's art images on kids and adult clothing, water bottles, cups etc. at CafePress.
Click on the side bar galleries to view and navigate paintings on this site.
Over the past 30 years, I have pursued self-expression through figure-drawing, painting, sculpting and pottery. Figure drawing and painting have been my first love. The content, symbolism, and technical expression of my paintings are interwoven with my philosophical contemplations, visionary experiences, and life experiences. I have traveled through Europe, Greece, Egypt, North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, Tahiti, Thailand, and India, visiting art museums, ancient ruins, temples and the peoples.
I have participated in many artist groups and self-awareness groups such as: Jungian Dream Analysis, Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, Self-encounter, Astrology and Eastern Spirituality. I have become the student and friend of many yogis and healers and have sponsored their visits and lectures in my home. I teach art, as well as, yoga and meditation. I also give astrological readings. I honor all beings, Mother Earth, and the Divine Cosmos.
Over the years, I have painted a geometric series, a surrealistic series, an abstract stain painting series and a political art series which on the flip side led me and my art into mysticism, visionary experiences, and shamanism. For a period, the images of my political paintings reflected the darker side of society, such as, missiles, politics, sexism and war. I painted these images hoping that society would reflect upon these, and thus raise its consciousness. However, I found that the morbidity of these chronic cycles of war and pain only enhanced my own sadness and pain.
I wanted to paint images to alleviate humanities pain. I contemplated upon love, prayer, and healing. I contemplated, "What is the highest form of love, beyond and without personal sentiment?" I questioned how could I transform my political images into prayer, blessings, and healing images. The painting "Missiles and Coffee Cups" and the sculpture "Missile Totem" led me into shamanism. Both these art works started as a satire on society, but then I turned the painting experience into prayer and ritual by adding healing elements. My paintings now symbolize the seeking of oneness through the union of opposites, such as, the male and female, heaven and earth, the human and the universe, etc.
When using acrylic paint, I paint spontaneously flinging liquid transparent layers onto the raw canvas. This experience feels primordial, because I get a sense of connectedness with the cosmos when I attempt to create images of stars, planets, and galaxies. Then I paint in more detail with both thick opaque textures and glazes. The transparent layers absorb into the canvas to convey depths of space and colorful vibrations. The textures create light reflections. For me it is a symbolic parallel of the inner depths of the Self and the outer expanses of life and space. I use color for its symbolism as well its compositional effects in space. I paint large areas of color as well as fine details. I love to paint large mural size paintings so I can dance using my whole body movement in the process of creating art. A large painting encompasses the viewer as well as draws them into the image. "Seeking Oneness" is made of seven canvases bolted together to form a twelve feet equilateral triangle. "Divine Ecstasy" has a five foot nine inch square canvas bolted over a nine feet circular canvas. My artwork is said to be surreal, magical realism, visionary art, mystical art, figurative art, mythical art, etc.
From 2002 to the present, I have been painting using the Mische' Technique (Egg Tempera and Oil), also known as old master technique as developed by the artist Van Eyck. it was natural for me because I had always painted in layers and glazes with oil paints since I started painting. I also painted this way with acrylics.
Mische' Technique is a wonderful medium for Visionary, Realistic and Fantastic Art. With the white egg tempera, I feel like I am painting with white light. The egg tempera paints very fine lined details as well as giving great illusions of water and atmosphere. Between the fine detailed white brilliance and the layering of colored oil glazes, the paintings emanate a jewel-like brilliance.
I'm always learning and experimenting with new techniques to create beauty, as well as express my philosophical thoughts and symbolic images. I hope you enjoy my site. Please feel free to email me with any of your comments or thoughts.
Dreamtime and Visionary Art Gallery
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All artwork is copyrighted